Pictures of, and from, our home state of California.
A lot of visitors to Southern California are surprised by how many tortoises there are here.
They sure are cute!
El Niño, Solimar Beach, 1998. I can't figure out how this happened, but it was in the L.A. Times, so I don't think it was photoshopped or anything. What led up to this situation? I would love to know.
The Los Angeles Basin. Do you see that little cluster of 4 hills, north of downtown? We live right above the big hill in the middle (that's Mount Washington).
I don't know where this is. I don't even know if it's actually in California.
Look again...optical illusion!
The space shuttle coming back down.
I found out while doing my due diligence that this photo is from Afghanistan, but I'm including it anyhow. I may create an "Afghanistan" section for pictures from Afghanistan, but in the meantime it will just have to stay a sub-section of the pictures from California page.
We used to call this "Ruff Stuff."
Don Draper. They used to shoot "Mad Men" at Downtown Center Studios, where I worked for a little while. What was I working on? A movie called "The Obama Effect." What was my job? Props. Mostly just moving stuff around.
It wasn't very fun!!!