Vacas - 1992
Toolbox Murders - 1978
The Passion of Joan of Arc - 1928
One night when I was a teen, I turned on the TV to "see what was on." This was playing on KCET, and I became absorbed in it right away! It's a really beautiful movie, still one of my favorites. The same thing happened a few years later, this time with "Vivre Sa Vie." After I stumbled onto that one, I became real excited about J.L. Godard. Accidentally finding these things is one of life's great joys, but this seems to happen less now than it used to for me. I'm not sure why; maybe my being older and knowing more precludes this kind of serendipity. If you have any tips about how you set yourself up to come across things that may "meet you where you live," email them to me. I'd love to know how you all may go about this!
The Passion of Joan of Arc - 1928
Did you know that for decades everyone thought that all the prints of this movie were destroyed in a warehouse fire? They were, except for one, which languished, unopened, in an Oslo mental institution until it was discovered in 1981. It was in perfect condition! What luck. Think of all the movies that actually have been lost, though. This is what happened to Meredith's great-grandmother. She made a self-financed movie in Iowa (reputedly), circa 1920, and the only print was destroyed while she was trying to find a distributor. I'm still trying to find out more details about this.
The Passion of Joan of Arc - 1928
The Passion of Joan of Arc - 1928
Black Moon - 1975
Black Moon - 1975
Black Moon - 1975
Black Moon - 1975
Blue Thunder - 1983
Blue Thunder - 1983
The Exterminating Angel - 1962
Have you seen this one?
Dekalog - 1989
Probably the top TV mini-series ever! At least in my book. Which one is your favorite? Mine is #2. Or #1. I just don't know.
Frau Im Mond - 1929
Machine Gun McCain - 1969
Mother - 1985
The Day of Wrath - 1943
Praesidenten - 1919
Praesidenten - 1919
Peeping Tom - 1960
Peeping Tom - 1960
Anguish - 1987
Anguish - 1987
Anguish - 1987
Welt Am Draht - 1973
OK, this is the other top TV miniseries, and very different from the Dekalog! Very exciting sci-fi, and hopelessly aped by the guys who made those dumb Matrix movies. The story was based on "Simulacron-3" by Daniel Galouye, but the main attraction are the people. Fassbinder really knew how to make peoples' faces look weird. What a gift! This is a very, very entertaining movie.
Wedding in Blood - 1973
Vivacious Lady - 1938
Vampyr - 1932
The Prowler - 1981
Andrei Rublev - 1966
Andrei Rublev - 1966
Andrei Rublev - 1966
Faust - 1926
Faust - 1926
Faust - 1926
Holy Mountain - 1926
Tonight and Every Night - 1945
The Third Man - 1949
FUN FACTS about Anton Karas' score for "The Third Man:"
One -Carol Reed, the director, overheard Karas playing in an Austrian tavern, and asked him to compose the score.
Two - The movie's theme song ("The Harry Lime Theme") was the first song Karas ever wrote.
Three - After the song became a smash hit, Karas, who disdained his newfound fame, bought his own tavern to perform in.
The 13th Warrior - 1999
Code Unknown - 2000
A lot of the houses where I'm from look kind of like this one. It's fun to imagine them all burning down!
Naked Weapon - 2002
Django - 1966
The Music Man - 1962
Arguably the most inventive musical of all time! Why? Because it's where rap music was born.
Gigi - 1958
I love Maurice Chevalier! You could make a VERY compelling argument that he's everything I will never be.
The Blood Beast Terror - 1968
People on Sunday - 1930
People on Sunday - 1930
People on Sunday - 1930
People on Sunday - 1930
Key Largo - 1948
Shake! Otis at Monterey - 1967
Soldier of Orange - 1977
The Queen - 2006
Late Autumn - 1960
Late Autumn - 1960
Late Autumn - 1960
Late Autumn - 1960
Late Autumn - 1960
Novo - 2002
Mulholland Drive - 2001
The Bad Sleep Well - 1960
The Bad Sleep Well - 1960
The Bad Sleep Well - 1960
Une Femme Mariée - 1964
Separation - 1967
The Red Balloon - 1956
The Red Balloon - 1956
The Red Balloon - 1956
Cat People - 1942
Henry V - 1944
Henry V - 1944
Henry V - 1944
Henry V - 1944
The Seventh Seal - 1957
The Seventh Seal - 1957
The Seventh Seal - 1957
How'd he get that scar on his forehead?