"Job Mocked by His Wife" - George La Tour - 1650
While Job is sitting in ashes mourning and scraping his sores with a potsherd, his wife comes and tells him to curse God and die. It IS a low point for their marriage. He tells her "Should we accept good from God, and not trouble?" The story doesn't tell us what she said next. She was probably upset that all ten of her children had just died. Again, the text is silent about this. It does say that they had ten more children later on.
"The Glorification of the Virgin" - Geertgen tot Sint Jans - 1490-1495
"The Dream of Joachim" - Giotto - 1305
I love that the perspective here is all messed, and this painting has no real focal point. It's a visual analog to those songs by Satie or Debussy that never rest on any tonal center. Do you know what I mean? ALSO, look at that skinny little dog. Ha.
"Joachim's Sacrificial Offering" - Giotto - 1306
I don't know what this is supposed to be, the file is called "ancientrevelation.gif" Seems legit.
"The incredulity of St. Thomas" (detail) - Gerrit van Honthorst - 1620
German stigmatic Therese Neumann
"Benedetto XIII" - Pietro Bracci